Diamond Registry

What is Genuine Diamond?

Many people use the words genuine and real interchangeably when referring to diamonds. However, there’s a difference between them. It’s common to ask “diamond is genuine”, and the answer is that it’s a diamond made inside the earth through a natural process. So even though humans will cut and polish them to enhance their appearance, they don’t create them. Since they’re mined from the earth, they’re rare and highly valued.


Certificate of Authenticity

To know if a diamond is genuine, it should have a certificate of authenticity from a reliable source, such as the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). These third-party organizations have qualified experts who can identify if your diamond is genuine or fake. While there are real diamond tests that you can perform at home to determine if your stone is natural, it’s best to send it to an organization that can accurately determine if your diamond is natural.

How to Test Diamonds

Many sellers will advertise their diamond jewelry these days, but it may not be accurate. Here’s how to identify real diamonds at home, but remember that this only works on loose stones.

Check its Refractivity

There are two main ways to check a diamond’s refractivity. The first method, the newspaper test, involves placing the stone face-down on a page with plenty of letters. See if you can read the words through the diamond.

The second method to test diamonds is called a dot test; all you need is a sheet of white paper. Make a small dot on the paper and place your diamond, face down, on top of it. Look down at the paper through the pointed end. If you can see a reflection inside the diamond, it’s fake.

Your diamond is fake if you can read the letters or see a reflection of the dot inside the stone. That’s because a natural diamond has numerous facets that refract the light in different directions. Consequently, you won’t be able to see the letters.

Do a Sparkle Test

For this real diamond test, simply hold the stone near a light source and look at how it reflects light. Natural diamonds have brilliance, which is how the inside of the stone sparkles, and fire refers to the dispersion of light. If you can see a rainbow sparkle inside the stone, it’s not a genuine diamond.

How to Identify Real or Fake Diamond

Here’s how to differentiate between real and fake diamonds at home.

Real Diamond Test with Water

If you’re wondering how to test diamonds, the most basic method is the water test. Fill up 3/4th of a transparent drinking glass with water. Then, slowly place the loose stone in the glass. If the stone sinks, you have a natural diamond. However, you have a fake one if it floats above or just beneath the surface. Because real diamonds have a high density, they should be able to sink.

How to Identify Real Diamond with Fog Test

The next way to test a diamond is called the fog test. Simply hold the loose stone between your index finger and thumb. Breathe on it and look at the surface of the gemstone. If the fog disappears quickly, the diamond is real. If it takes a few seconds for the fog to clear up, you have a fake diamond.

Heat Test – Fake Diamonds Shatter

Because of a iamond’s structured, which is made up of covalent bonds that connect carbon atoms, it’s very strong. So, if you heat up the diamond and put it in a glass of cold water, nothing will happen if it’s real. However, the sudden temperature change will shatter fake diamonds made from glass or other materials.


Genuine diamonds are extremely rare, so knowing if you have a real or fake diamond is essential. The most accurate way to tell if a diamond is real is to get it tested by a reliable source. Of course, you can also do real diamond tests at home. This includes the water, fog, and heat test. You can also check the diamond’s refractivity or reflectivity, but these methods only apply to loose stones. If you have diamond jewelry, it’s best to get it tested.


How to tell if a diamond is real at home?

You can use water, fog, or heat tests. A real diamond will sink at the bottom because of its high density and quickly becomes clear after catching some fog as it dissipates heat easily. Lastly, it doesn’t shatter when exposed to high and then low temperatures.

Do fake diamonds sparkle?

Whether it’s a real or fake diamond, both will sparkle, but the difference is in the color of the sparkle. Real diamonds have grey-colored diamonds, while fake diamonds have rainbow-colored sparkles. This test shows the reflective properties of a diamond.

How to know if a diamond is real?

The best way to determine if a diamond is real is to approach a reliable third party that will test your gemstone using accurate methods. They will also evaluate your diamond’s cut, color, clarity, and carat to see if it’s real.

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