Diamond Registry

wedding ring engagement ring diamond jewelry

It’s important to keep your diamond engagement ring looking its best and in the best condition. This article will give you some tips and tricks on caring for your engagement ring, so that it can stay beautiful for years to come.

Your engagement ring is a symbol of your love and commitment to your partner. It should be treated with care and respect. Tossing it into the bottom of your jewelry box, leaving it on the coffee table for weeks at a time, or forgetting to clean the diamonds are not ways to show how much you love your partner—and they’ll hurt her feelings if she finds out what you’ve been doing! It’s easy to think only about how much work goes into making sure that all those little specks of carbon-based matter remain in one piece until they’re set up on someone’s finger. But once you have one? You’re going to want to do everything possible to make sure that diamond sparkles like crazy through many years of marriage (and beyond).

Keep it separate.

When you’re not wearing your ring, keep it separate from other jewelry. This will make sure that no scratches develop on the surface of your diamond. In addition, don’t wear it while working out or showering or swimming. The moisture in those situations can damage its finish and even cause cracks in the stone’s structure over time!

Regular cleaning at home.

To keep your diamond ring sparkling, use a soft cloth and warm soapy water to clean it. Use a mild detergent to remove any dirt or perspiration. Rinse the ring with warm water and dry it with a soft cloth.

To get more shine, use a polishing cloth on the shank of the ring and along its sides when you’re wearing it. This will help keep your diamond looking bright (and you’ll get compliments from everyone who sees you!).

Get your ring professionally cleaned and inspected.

A diamond ring is a big purchase, so it’s important to get it professionally cleaned and inspected on a regular basis. How often you need to do this depends on how often you wear your ring, but experts recommend having it cleaned at least once per year. You should also have it inspected every six months if your ring is used for daily wear or more than once per year if not worn regularly.

It is best to find a reputable jeweler who will inspect your diamond engagement ring for free every time you visit them for a cleaning service. This will help ensure that any problems with the stone are detected early on—before they become major issues—and keep them from happening again in the future.

Pay attention to the mounting.

Pay special attention to the mounting. The surroundings of your diamond can affect its durability. For example, if you have a loose setting, it could cause damage to the diamond or even dislodge it from its setting so that it falls out.

In most cases, an engagement ring’s mountings are made from gold or platinum and can be tightened at home with jeweler’s pliers (or by a professional) if they become loose over time.

Be careful in the kitchen.

When it comes to your engagement ring, you should avoid cooking and dishwashing at all costs. When you’re handling food in the kitchen, there’s a chance that some of it will splatter onto your ring—so just take it off. And although we all know how much of a pain it is to clean up after dinner (especially when there is wine involved), don’t forget that even washing dishes can result in damage to your precious piece of jewelry if it happens accidentally.

Finally, if you have children or pets at home who like to help out with chores (or if they just like running around while you’re trying to cook), make sure they stay away from where you’re working so they don’t knock into anything and send any hot liquid hurtling toward their beautiful mother’s hand!

Take it off when you’re gardening or doing chores at home.

Diamonds are sensitive to chemicals, heat, pressure, light, water and solvents. As such they should be removed before doing any gardening or household chores. If you do have to wear your ring while working around the house make sure that you don’t put it on until the very last step of the task and if possible remove it again when finished.

Tossing and turning in bed can be hard on your ring.

It’s a little known fact that tossing and turning in bed can be hard on your precious ring. That’s why most jewelers suggest removing it before bedtime. If you don’t have a safe place to put your ring, consider wearing it when you sleep. However, don’t forget to remove it before washing your hands or taking a shower!

Ready to sell your diamond and get the best price? Let Diamond Registry’s global connections and expert team help you find the perfect buyer. Visit www.diamondregistry.com/sell-your-ring now to get started. And don’t forget to use our trusted diamond price calculator to instantly check and calculate the value of your diamond per carat.

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