Diamond Registry

February birthstone

In this post, we’ll reveal the peculiarities of amethyst as a February birthstone. Of course, we’re far from ancient times to totally believe in its power to bring good luck and wealth to the owner. Nevertheless, there’s still something interesting to know about amethysts.

Why should I know my birthstone?

Some people are skeptical about the idea of giving any extra meaning to gemstones, while others can’t buy any stone that hasn’t a story behind. And for the second group, we’ve prepared an overview of the very special stones. Titled as birthstones, they can be worn in any jewelry (even an engagement ring!). And what’s more important: they help people born in a particular month get the new meaning of their life.
And here, you’ll find the collection of the most intriguing facts about these gemstones and learn how to use them in jewelry.
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The origin of February birthstone

From the etymology of amethyst, the Greek word “amethystos” means “treatment from excessive drinking.” When put in an engagement ring, this gemstone seems to appear in this world to solve the problem of alcoholism – or at least, minimize its adverse effects on your mind. Or probably, this red stone indicates that all the people born in February have a taste for drunkenness… Or maybe, that’s simply its color that resembled wine and originated all these legends around the power of amethyst birthstone.

What are the secret powers of amethyst?

Anyway, the purple February birthstone has features of clearing heads in several variations:
  • When you feel overrun by passion, amethyst can calm you down
  • When you feel scared, amethyst can bring your courage back
  • When you feel weak, amethyst can strengthen your personal empowerment
  • When you can’t concentrate during meditation, amethyst, in combination with Tibetan prayer, can help bring you back on track

In other words, when you gift an engagement ring (or any other jewelry) with an amethyst gemstone, you do a valuable service to a February person. Till helping to manage the mental problems!

Here is how people learned to use the secret knowledge about amethyst and used gemstone in jewelry:

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Alexander the Great was the first well-known fan of deep purple amethysts.

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According to the legend, amethyst was the name of a young maiden who worshiped Goddess Artemis. To protect her from Dionysus, the god of wine, she turned the girl into a colorless quartz. In his turn, he poured some wine so that the stone started having that purple hue we see today.

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Amethyst is among 12 gemstones that represent tribes of Israel, according to the Old Testament.

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Saint Valentine had an amethyst ring with a red stone. Its unique design contained an image of Cupid hidden inside.

Catherine the Great loved to use amethysts in her jewelry – especially necklaces and earrings.

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The most fabulous amethyst jewelry ever known is a necklace made by Cartier designer for Duchess of Windsor. She appeared in it in Versailles gala in 1953.

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Among the most significant cut stones, there is a 343-carat amethyst birthstone. It is stored in the National History Museum of London.

As you can see, the February birthstone is the best choice for the cold and moody weather that is a common thing during this winter month. Also, amethyst is not only an excellent option for an engagement ring but also a great way to protect yourself from harm.

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The key features of an amethyst birthstone

As one of the quartz species, amethyst is a precious gemstone known for its stunning beauty. Due to this, the stone gets a trigonal crystal form – perfectly suiting the design of an engagement ring. In terms of color, the shades of amethyst change from purple to red.
An intense reddish-purple is the top color for amethyst. The precise variety of February birthstone hues, however, ranges from dark reddish plum to light lavender tone.

Here are some other useful facts about amethyst birthstone:

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Amethysts have clarity level, several cut degrees, and specific carat weight – just like a diamond! So, you can distinguish the quality of your gemstone based on these parameters.

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In the nineteenth century, the main suppliers of amethyst birthstone were Russia and Brazil. These days, the most common parts of the world to find it are Africa and South America.

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In the nineteenth century, the main suppliers of amethyst birthstone were Russia and Brazil. These days, the most common parts of the world to find it are Africa and South America.

Rio Grande do Sol is the mine for red amethysts. As a relative trademark, Brazilian stones have a lighter hue than all the other amethysts. Another famous mine is situated in Bolivia. Titled Anahi, it supplies amethyst crystals with citrine color and ametrines.

Moreover, amethyst birthstone has six main types:

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Purple amethyst

That’s a classic amethyst. To make an unusual jewelry, consider combining it in a ring with yellow gold or emerald beards.

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Ametrine amethyst

Although ametrine can refer to the citrine category, its half of a reddish color refers to amethyst. And together, these halves result in an unusual and appealing amethyst type.

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Pink amethyst

In addition to its generally pink color, this amethyst can feature some lavender and lilac tones. It’s an awesome ring option for a guy who wants to attract a February girl’s attention!

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Mossy amethyst

A gorgeous reddish stone with dark and light tiny veins. A perfect choice for unique jewelry with custom design!

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Cape amethyst

This amethyst is a milky white quartz. It’s one of the rarest gemstones featuring yellow and purple colors.

Prasiolite amethyst

That’s a stone featuring yellow and green color. It looks special – even for such an unusual gemstone as an amethyst!

Useful facts to take care of amethyst jewelry

If you’re about to celebrate your sixth wedding anniversary, amethyst jewelry is a perfect gift for this occasion.

  • Amethysts are suitable for daily use in rings. However, avoid keeping them next to diamonds and sapphires – you may risk seeing scratches on your beloved stone!
  • The best selections for amethyst jewelry are earrings, rings, and pendants. Especially, big deep purple amethyst rings – that’s a top choice for women.
  • The red-and-purple color of amethyst fits any outlook you’ve chosen. Be that dark or warm color or the jewelry design featuring gold or silver metal – it will shine bright and look accurate for any occasion.
  • With time, you may need to repolish an amethyst to bring its color back. Just heat it to make this dark amethyst lighter and more attractive. As another option, this technique can remove unwanted brownish inclusions or bring in a citrine hue in a traditionally red stone.
  • February birthstone can be natural and artificial – consider this while making your purchase!
  • For an engagement ring purchase, consider lavender color. It looks stunning in combination with a diamond halo!

If you are a February person and think of including an amethyst into your diamond engagement ring, feel free to contact Diamond Registry! We offer custom-made jewelry that features loose diamonds at wholesale price – and can realize any design you wish.

Just submit your request through our submission form, and we’ll link you to thousands of sellers to make your jewelry dream come true!

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